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Latest revision as of 09:22, 29 September 2017

September 20th

Just a short blog entry to forestall the question, “why didn’t you write this week?”

The holiday of Rosh HaShanah is coming upon us this evening, and since it lasts two days (unlike all other Jewish holidays in Israel), we have a “three-day weekend”, so to speak. So I’ll be off-line until Saturday night. That’s why I haven’t (or rather, “will not have”, as of the moment) written this Friday.

I mentioned last week that I was to have an important conference call this week. I’m happy to report that the call went very well, and the company I spoke with is interested in working with me to incorporate 8th into their offerings. This is a really big deal, and I’m excited about it — although it will take some time for details to be worked out, and for us to see the benefits.

In a surprise move, Esther came down with a cold. She rarely gets sick, but when she does it’s not fun. In a less surprising move, she passed her viruses on to me, so I’m getting sick. Just in time for the Big Day(s). What can you do? I’m not looking forward to sitting in shul for four hours with a head-cold. I might just go to the local shul which is literally a 30 seconds walk from my house, instead. We’ll see.

The weather has calmed down, it’s cool in the mornings and normally hot in the afternoon. The heat-waves seem to be over, B”H!

Esther and I are eating at friends’ places for two or so meals. For the rest, we’ve prepared a smaller version of our traditional fare:
(not homemade) ḥalla, really good wines, potato-leek soup, brisket with tsimmes, baked chicken, Caesar salad (legit!), teriyaki salmon, various salatim, apple cake, and honey cake.

Until next time,
shana tovah and shabbat shalom!

לשנה טובה תיכתבו ותיחתמו

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