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Latest revision as of 10:32, 22 February 2019

February 15th Comments or questions? Click here!

We’re completely back to normal now, B”H, no more cold-residue. Esther’s been working her normal schedule, Mom’s been entertaining herself, Sarah’s still visiting her sister, and I’ve been working on clients’ problems. So: back to normal.

And as is normal, my loyal 8th users found a few exotic bugs which I’m trying to understand and fix. It never ends… but that’s a good thing, really. It means they’re using 8th for real-world problems, and that the usual stuff “just works”. But the stuff that doesn’t can be quite difficult to pin down and fix. Keeps me off the streets, I suppose.

What’s becoming normal is the continual “progressive” attacks on Israel. Now it is almost expected that new members of the US Congress will be open and rabid anti-Semites. It’s bad enough in the US, that when the US Senate passed an anti-BDS bill, 23 Democrat Senators opposed it. Including four D presidential candidates. This should be a wake-up call for my co-religionists in the US; unfortunately, it won’t be.

And the abnormal:

  • Four top takeaways of the proposed “Green New Deal”
  • This CNN “analysis” of Beto O’Rourke’s chances to “shake up the field”, seems to be from an alternate reality. At least what I saw of his rally was so uninspiring and, frankly, sad, that I can’t imagine him having any chance at all to do anything, ever again. But what do I know?
  • Kevin has concerns about Ilhan Omar.
  • Amazon drops NYC as its second headquarters, because “a number of state and local politicians have made it clear that they oppose our presence and will not work with us to build the type of relationships that are required to go forward with the project we and many others envisioned in Long Island City.” 25K jobs lost, and lots of tax revenue. Progressivism for the win!
  • Even though this is from “The People’s Cube” (a satirical site), it’s actually a real story: a “cis-lesbian” was fired for “misgendering” a trans-male rapist.

That last puts me in mind of the words of Isaiah: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that change darkness into light, and light into darkness; that change bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter! When your perception of reality is so distorted, you are in real serious trouble.

Anyway; I’ve got a consult with a knee-specialist on Sunday, to get a professional second opinion about what should (or could) be done about my messed-up knee. I can’t stay on pain-meds forever (and they don’t help too much anyway). So next week I’ll let you know how that worked out.

The weather has been variable but mostly cool this week, and we’re looking at possible rain with hail on shabbat. I’m looking forward to that, perversely.

This shabbat, the three of us are having: homemade ḥalla, butternut-squash soup, beef with broccoli, fried rice, baked chicken thighs, various salatim, and ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Feb 8th Next: Feb 22nd