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''shabbat shalom''!
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Latest revision as of 08:55, 13 August 2021

August 6th Comments or questions? Click here!

Another very busy week, mostly with various medical appointments and gardening nonsense.

Sarah underwent an operation to try to correct a problem she’s suffered with (not silently!) for a long time. They kept her overnight in the hospital, but she’s fine and resting at home. Esther went to be with her on the day of the procedure, and we both went the next day to “bring comfort and joy” to the afflicted lass. We got to see her new abode, which is quite a few notches better than her old place. Still…

I have to say: I love my daughter dearly, but I really dislike going to Tel Aviv!

Esther had some medical checks done. So did I. Good news! Fortunately, I seem to have the prostate of a young man. Unfortunately, he wants it back…

We took mom for her third COVID-19 shot, which they’ve started doing here in the Land for the 60+ crowd (and for others in the “more vulnerable” category). I also took her to get her toe massacred by the podiatrist. I don’t know if we’ll ever be done treating that toe, to be honest.

Of note (or not):

  • Geeks unite! I’m really enjoying this physicist’s videos on various topics (usually ones “in the news”). She explains things well and in an entertaining way.
  • Another worthwhile video: a discussion between Michael Knowles and Lauren Southern about a number of contemporary issues.
  • Is the NY Times a trustworthy source? Judge for yourself.
  • “Reason” asks whether or not “trans-women” should compete in sports. I have to confess: I laughed my burro off when “Laurel” Hubbard lost on hyr first try and dropped out. No, he shouldn’t have been allowed to compete “as a woman”. Despite his testosterone-derived frame and musculature, he couldn’t hack it. Of course, he was something like 350th ranked among male competitors…
  • “Zoom” is going to have to pay $85M for lying about their encryption among other things. Of course, they quadrupled their revenue due to the pandemic shutdowns to some $2.7 billion, so 85 megabucks isn’t even a scratch on their corporate burro.
  • Here’s another entertaining video: this time, about a fellow who faked being a psychiatric doctor for years and kept getting away with it.

I made the (very) bold move of transplanting the bean seedlings to the garden. They were very tall (30cm or so), and in tiny seed-starting pods. So they’re now in planters, isolated from the ground, with drip-irrigation. I hope they survive our fierce August heat!

I also made a very significant improvement in GUI layout in 8th, implementing a flexible “grid layout”. Thank you, thank you; you’ve been a great crowd!

The heat was well above-average most of the week (hit 39+C (102+F) one day). August came in with a roar! It’ll be very hot for shabbat, which I don’t approve of (though nobody asked my opinion, as usual). It is supposed to cool off slightly next week, but not very significantly.

This shabbat we’ll try to keep cool with:
homemade ḥalla, meat bourekas, baked chicken thighs, roasted potatoes, roasted veggies, various salatim, and lemon-poppy-seed cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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