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Latest revision as of 11:10, 20 June 2014

June 13th - an apropos, though recycled, devar-torah

Hi, again!

You’re probably tired of hearing that “we were very busy”, but it’s true nonetheless! I was so busy that I can’t even remember what I did all week aside from working. And I think Esther and Sarah both are in the same category.

The weather has been fantastic, though. Very pleasant, cooler than usual for this time of year. However, the party’s ending and we’ll be above average by Sunday and into next week. Oh, well — one must be philosophical about the weather.

Israel has a new President, though you probably don’t care. Out with the old, in with the new, and more of the same I’m afraid. I’m glad to see Peres go, but I’m as certain that he will continue to meddle in our nation’s affairs as I am that I’ll have to pay taxes.

You see, the office of the Israeli President is supposed to be “above politics”. A sort of post of honor for a statesman who’s done great service to the country, and is respected by all. Peres often used his position to advance his political agenda, and I would be surprised if it were possible to roll back the clock on that breach of decorum. So we can expect more meddling Presidents, until we finally abolish the superannuated (and expensive) office.

In tech/security news:

  • A guide to “email self-defense”. How to fight electronic surveillance using GnuPG encryption.
  • Here’s proof that encryption keeps gov’t honest… if they aren’t willing to employ torture to get your secrets, that is.
  • And Microsoft is apparently patching Windows 8 but not Windows 7. This may have very serious consequences for Windows 7 users, since MS claims they are still supporting 7 and updating it (and they are, mostly). But if they patch a vulnerability in 8 and leave it unpatched in 7, it won’t be long at all before Windows 7 becomes the punching-bag of the hackers.

In the work area, Esther’s been working on the content of our web site and other things of that nature. I’ve been spending most of my time getting our client’s product demo-worthy, at the expense of my own product. Our new employee has been working out very well so far; she’s already helped move things along. Now I have to make a work-plan for us so we can hit our goals reasonably well. Lots of work.

Once again it’s just the three of us, with the addition of RivQua. So four of us. We’re having lunch out, but for the other meals we’re preparing:
butternut squash soup, vegetable soup, empanadas de carne, empanadas de verdura, salatim, and fruit.

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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