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Latest revision as of 12:56, 27 April 2012

Apr 20th -- Sorry, no devar torah this week

Hi, again!

It was an insane week at work. The CEO was out of the country over the pesaḥ holiday, but apparently was still busy "doing things" during the intermediate days. We got an "emergency call" from him last week, saying that the system was all messed up, and threatening us all with unemployment. So we started off this week with lots of upset people. However, it turned out that he, himself, was the cause of the actual problems and not us... not that it makes any real difference. I think he skipped the classes on "how to motivate your employees".

On the other hand, the Android projects I'm working on independently, are proceeding apace. The zemanim application is very usable now (I'm using it every day), but there are a couple minor things I want to change before I release it to the public. Another project I'm working on with a friend, is in the research stage... and it may be a very marketable and remunerative project. By the way, I am very seriously interested in finding someone to fund my development efforts so I can devote the proper amount of time and effort to this project. If you are interested in "buying in" to a potentially lucrative development project, please email me and we can talk business.

The ladies of the house needed to get fabric for the dresses they'll be wearing at The Upcoming Big Event. They looked around in Jerusalem, but didn't find what they wanted. So today they hared off to Tel Aviv, and came back with fabric galore. Esther is all excited about the fabric offerings of the City of Sin, and plans on returning there sometime soon to get other fabrics. While they were in T"A, they met two of our good friends from the Olde Country who made aliyah this past year, so it was a doubly productive outing.

Sarah's been sick off and on, even getting a low-grade fever. I don't like that (nor, I think, does she); she's been sick quite often and we need her to get better. Please direct some prayers for רפואה שלימה (complete recovery) her way. She's supposed to take some sort of "entrance exam" next week for one of the schools she's interested in, and being sick won't be helpful.

Daniela's trying to get the invitations out the door, but it's taking longer than expected. Don't worry, we hope to wrap this up in the next week or two (after all, the Upcoming Big Event is gaining on us). She is trying to stay interested enough in her courses to finish them; and she is apparently going to graduate with "awards"... so bravo, well done!

Esther's been her usual helpful self this week; helping friends get around, helping her daughter get clothing, helping me keep closer to sane. She is currently putting the finishing touches on the salatim portion of our shabbat meal, and I need to go clean the house up now. I'm really looking forward to shabbat!

Public service announcement: if you are making "blasted peppers" -- or, indeed, anything with hot peppers -- use gloves. But if you don't, and you touch the peppers with your bare hands -- please do not subsequently touch your nose, or you will end up like me with nostrils of fury. It's unpleasant, to say the least. I don't even want to think about other "furious" body-parts!

Information For You:

Since the ladies went to do Important Things today, it fell upon me to prepare the majority of the shabbat menu. I've inflicted upon them (except for the salatim): smoked mackerel, pickled herring, baked salmon, homemade ḥumus and ṭeḥina, blasted peppers, hard boiled eggs, salatim, rice, chicken soup, ḥamin, rosquitas, chocolate croissants, and homemade cranberry sorbet

Until next week,
shabbat shalom!

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