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Latest revision as of 09:00, 21 June 2019

June 14th Comments or questions? Click here!

We started the week off with the shavuot holiday, so basically we just extended shabbat by a day. It was nice and peaceful, but that ended with the holiday.

Esther immediately had to pack her bags and check-in for her flight, which was due to take off the following day. She made it to her flight with plenty of time to spare, thanks to my expert driving skillz. Everything was unremarkable until I got a panicked call at 4:30 in the morning from Daniela, asking “where is mama?!?”. She hadn’t made it to Daniela’s, and hadn’t sent any messages. That was a bit of a concern…

It turned out that due to extreme fog at JFK airport, her flight was rerouted to an Air Force base in NY (actually about the same distance from Daniela’s home as JFK). They were kept on the plane without connectivity, essentially hostages, for about 8 hours. This, after an 11 hour flight. Finally, they resumed the flight and landed at JFK, where Esther promptly Ubered her way to Daniela’s house.

But Daniela and Jeremy were leaving for Los Angeles that next day, so Esther has been with the babies all week. The kids are returning before shabbat, and Esther’s returning Tuesday (landing; leaving there on Monday). In the meantime, she was able to accomplish her IRS meeting and do what she needed to do, and I hope she’s been able to spoil the grand-kids! I was jealous; but after hearing about her flight from Hell I became less jealous.

One of my users found that 8th no longer works on the very latest Windows 10. I found that hard to believe, but when I upgraded my test machine to the very latest — lo and behold! it doesn’t work. It crashes, and I’m trying to figure out what exactly changed. I can say that the latest Windows update screwed up a lot of things on the machine, probably for “security reasons”. Not a happy man.

And when it rains, it pours: I’m fielding a number of simultaneous requests for my services. Of course, not all of them will pan-out; but it’s better to have too many requests than too few. That’s what I learned in elementary school.

I’ve been trying to fight off a cold, with more or less success; but I think it will be an “in shabbat” since I think I need to sleep a lot more than I have been, to get rid of this bugger.

The weather’s been pretty nice, and will remain so at least for the weekend.

It’s just Mom and me this week; we’ll make do with:
(pre-made): ḥalla and onion-poppy sourdough rolls, veggie-full roasted-tomato soup, beef stew, noodles, Asian chicken salad, roasted eggplant, egg salad, tuna salad, various other salatim if I can think of them and have time, fruit salad, and “wafers”.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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