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''shabbat shalom''!
''shabbat shalom''!
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Latest revision as of 08:24, 23 July 2021

July 16th Comments or questions? Click here!

It was a pretty quiet week. We worked, sweated, ate, and went to sleep. Nothing too interesting to report.

Well, there is the “training” of our older grandson, who has finally agreed to learn to use the potty. He’s one of those types that likes a lot of structure; so he was informed that “in July” he would start the training. When his parents tried to get him to start a bit early, he informed them that “it’s not July yet”. Three years old, going on international trade negotiator…

Theatre of the Absurd:

  • “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is never going to disappear! CNN reports: New Trump revelations underscore his undimmed danger, stating, “…it emerged Wednesday that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley was so shaken by Trump's refusal to concede defeat that he feared he might attempt a coup or other illegal gambit to stay in power”. This is the same Gen. Milley who defends the indoctrination of US troops with “Critical Race Theory”. Among his quotes, “…it is important that we train and we understand… and I want to understand white rage. And I'm white”. While the US indoctrinates its troops to hate themselves (if they’re white) or their fellow troops (otherwise), the CCP and Russia and North Korea and Iran continue manning-up their militaries. This won’t end well.
  • Then there’s the insane ramblings of the Vice President of the US. Among the golden nuggets of wisdom she professed: people in rural areas don’t have access to “Kinko’s” for photocopying documents. That’s true, since “Kinko’s” went out of business a long time ago, but that wasn’t her point. She must have read “Grapes of Wrath” and forgot it was set in the 1930’s. Last I checked, even people in remote areas of the US have celphones. And you know? There’s apps for them thar phones that can send pickshures! Your leaders really do think you’re that stupid. Sho ‘nuf!
  • Scarlett Johansson wants you to know how oppressed she is. That’s right, folks! A woman who won the genetics lottery, who is financially better off than 99.9% of Americans (and 99.999% of all humans alive), who is sought after for leading roles in major films, and who is adored by her many fans — she’s oppressed. Please, people, a moment of silence for all the Oppressed Celebrities…
  • The USPS has a recently disclosed semi-secret internet surveillance apparatus. I can only hope that they are as inept at spying as they are at delivering the mail.
  • Is “cryptocurrency” as secure and anonymous as all that? Ask Hamas what they think.

I’ve been working on adding support for “coroutines” in 8th, since a user asked for them. Interesting stuff, and I’ve got it working now for all but the mobile devices. And a client of my client told him something really nice: “Ron was amazing. Efficient, responsive, and effective. We now have an app that works, at long last!”. So that was a pleasant end to the work-week.

Esther finished knitting a shawl, but it’s big enough for me and another person, I think. Not that I’m likely to wear a shawl, you understand…

It’s been normal summer heat. Rinse, and repeat. It’s scheduled to be hot on shabbat, and even hotter on the upcoming Fast of the 9th of Av, which falls on Sunday. So crank up the A/C, it’s going to be a scorcher!

On our menu this shabbat:
non-homemade ḥalla, baked chicken, empanadas, various salatim, and fruit.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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