
Blog/September 2017/Sep 1st

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September 1st

It was another busy week. Details below, or…

We wish my mother-in-law a speedy recovery from the procedure she underwent yesterday!


It was quite an interesting week!

First of all, we made another release of 8th, which further distinguishes between the different versions thereof. This release has generated a lot of comment and activity on the forum, almost all of it good. So there’s that.

And I’m happy to relate that my incessant badgering of people I don’t know is starting to show results. I’m currently speaking to a few people simultaneously, trying to persuade them to work with me as a client or partner or supporter. These talks are all in the early stages, but I think I’ve finally got through to people who can make decisions and make things happen. So that’s exciting.

And in an unexpected blast of bad luck, I upgraded the software on my email server, and discovered that it had stopped delivering mail to me. Fortunately, I’m a three-legged genius and was able to quickly get things working again. I hate it when stuff like that happens, though; raises my blood-pressure dangerously high.

Our week

Not too much to report on this front. Esther and I had a pretty quiet week.

I did take the car in, had the front-brakes replaced, and it didn’t cost as much as I had expected it would. So that’s an unexpectedly good thing. However, living where we do — a hilly place — isn’t beneficial for brakes. It seems we have to replace them once a year or so, which seems excessive to me. Gotta talk to Leadfoot Lilly…

… who’s resumed her needling. I mean, her knitting. Now that Sarah’s moved out, I think we’ll appropriate her room for a sewing bazaar for Esther. Or, at least, as a store-room for the copious amounts of fluffy lambs-product needed for even the smallest project.

And I seem to be afflicted (once again) with plantar fasciitis after having been a bit too aggressive in my walking. So now I have to give my foot a chance to recover, and I’ll need to make sure I don’t try to walk any distance in my sandals (which don’t cushion the foot very much). <sigh>

Stuff and nonsense:

The menu

Weather was mostly pleasant, supposed to stay that way over shabbat.

Just the two of us. We’ll have:
homemade ḥalla, red lentil soup, chicken schnitzel, rice, roasted veggies, veggie cholent, various salatim, date-pecan cake, and ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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