
Blog/September 2021/Sep 10th

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September 10th Comments or questions? Click here!

Happy 5782, everyone! Thank you, we had a restful two days of rosh hashana. Mom seems to be improving, she’s walking on her own now. And we did find a person to help out, so no complaints here…

… except about the neighbor who’s been working on his sukkah for a week, with power tools…

Surely you’ve heard about the kerfuffle surrounding the Texas law which essentially prohibits abortion? I think the real reason for the law was to keep Californians from moving there. #SmartMoveTX!

In any event: Sarah and Yarin visited us, and they’re now on their way to visit Daniela et. fam.; so we’re wishing them a safe and pleasant trip to the Exile (and back!). On that note, from the Twitter:

Ask your doctor if “Diaspora” is right for you. Side effects may include:

  • recurring pogroms
  • a penalty-day on holidays
  • significant mitzva reduction
  • general lack of purpose…

Various and sundry:

In between holidays and the preparations thereof, Esther and I managed to work. She’s got a ton of work because of tax deadlines, and I’m juggling two clients as well as 8th. So we’re keeping out of trouble for now.

Except for yesterday, the weather was pretty nice. Now it’s supposed to cool down for shabbat and into the coming week; is “autumn” actually approaching?

After two days of fancy meals, and one of fasting, our shabbat menu might have:
homemade ḥalla, baked chicken, baked yams, garlicky green beans, traditional cholent, gravlax, various salatim, and banana cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and gemar ḥatima ṭova!

N.B.: the “gravlax” turned out very nice, though we’ll let it sit a couple days longer next time.

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