Blog/February 2008/Feb 1st
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< Blog | February 2008
February 1st (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!
Once again, I'm entertained by my neighbor's blog. This past entry was about the Velcro Nation, e.g. we Jews - all blame sticks to us. Read it, you'll like it. Besides being entertaining, it's well written - something one encounters too rarely.
The big news this week was -- no, not the completely fair, unbiased and impartial Winograd report, but rather the fact that it snowed in Jerusalem! Good thing I stayed home. Turns out, the snow fell for two days, not just one. I probably could have gone to work, but Israeli drivers being completely unaccustomed to snow made me think it more prudent to stay stationary.
Here's pictures of the snow, as seen from our fair town: North-east, towards Jericho. The "disputed" area of the E1 police station. Part of East Jerusalem.
It's fortunate we decided to rummage in some of the remaining packing boxes, because we found my jackets and sweaters. Now that winter's half over, of course. Why do we still have packing boxes, you ask? Hasn't it been SIX MONTHS already? (yes it has, thank you for asking). Why do you have important things like winter clothing in boxes, for crying out loud?!?
Well, it's two things. First of all, despite this being a largish house we don't have anywhere to put things. That's because (as I mentioned some time ago), "unfurnished" in Israel really truly means "nothing in the house, not even closets". Secondly, we hate this place (the house, that is) with a passion, and are counting down the seconds to when we will be able to move into the house we have purchase. For the curious, here's a couple pictures of the "new" place: front (ours is the right side), and the garden (or at least a portion of it).
And why, you ask, do we detest this place? You regular readers already know the answer. If you're new here, just read some back-issues of the blog and you'll know. We still haven't got gas hooked up, though the landlady says she is trying to get it put together.
It sure is a good thing we have Egypt to help defend our border with Gaza. Not. Somehow, they remind me of the Vichy in "Casablanca".
Shabbat shalom!
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