
Blog/June 2009/Jun 12th

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June 12th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

I know it's an ongoing refrain, but this week was crazy at work! I spent all week basically trying to get a new install CD released, but we kept encountering issues with languages other than English. It's lots of fun writing software that has to work on several different operating-systems, in a dozen languages. It's more fun relying on other software to make that possible, and finding out that other software has not been adequately tested...

The summer heat started this week in earnest. Not that it's oppressively hot, but the temperature has "hit its stride" and is staying consistently in the 30s (85-95F). In the evening it cools off, though; and sitting next to an open window when the cooler air is blowing is a treat.

Esther took me out on a date this week -- our first in so long, neither of us could recall the last time we went out alone. We went to dinner and then to a comedy benefit show (benefiting the Koby Mandell Foundation, which helps families who are victims of terrorism). The show was completely sold-out, and we had a good time. We decided we would have to have another date, soon enough that we don't forget the last time we went on one.

Last shabbat I tried out the new synagogue down the street, for ma`ariv (evening services). As I mentioned last week, it's a "sephardi" place -- actually, it seems more Moroccan than anything else. Anyway, it was nice; but in the morning I decided I would rather walk twenty minutes and have air-conditioning and a shorter service, than walk only one minute and have no air-conditioning and a longer service. As we came home, the people in the local synagogue were still in the middle of services - so that's at least 40 minutes longer than the place I normally go. Not that I mind so much, but the Temanim finish even earlier than either -- although they also start earlier.

This week I attended the first in a series of "diabetes workshops" held by my kupat cholim. Even though I don't have diabetes, I have two parents who had it (my father z"l had it, and my mother is treating it). So I'm at high risk for developing it, and need to try to hold it off as long as possible. I've been on anti-diabetes medications for about ten years already, as a preventative measure. Anyway, this time they called from the "kupah" and invited me to join this workshop. Interesting group of people. One fellow came in already complaining about everything; he didn't even stay for the opening of the class. Among the words of wisdom I culled from the presenters is that Hilbe חילבה (fenugreek) is a good anti-diabetic (and anti-triglycerides etc). So even though I don't really like the taste, I'm going to start incorporating it in my meals on a regular basis and see if that helps control my blood chemistry more. It can't hurt, anyway.

  • buri ( [[wikipedia:Mullet_(fish)}mullet|{{{2}}}]])

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!

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