
Blog/July 2010/July 16th

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July 16th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

A very hot week of ups and downs; Sarah takes a trip to Argentina, the rest of us take a trip to Tverya. Sarah's trip started inauspiciously. Her flight from here was delayed, and her layover in Sao Paulo was only an hour and a half -- possibly not enough time to collect her luggage and clear customs (which, for some reason, the Brazilians were demanding of all passengers even though they were not going to Brazil). After she landed, she was told she didn't need to clear customs -- so that was good; but she was bumped from her flight to Buenos Aires and instead had to wait in Brazil another half day. In the meantime, her grandfather was waiting nervously in the Ezeiza airport for his grand-daughter's arrival. Finally, she landed in Bs. As., but her luggage did not. And since Bs. As. is experiencing near-freezing weather, whereas Israel was at 35C, she was not prepared to be without her packed clothes (and gifts, and etc...). Needless to say, she was not very happy. However, the next day her luggage did show up, so "all's well that ends well".

The day after Sarah left, I was supposed to have gone to the doctor for a procedure; but the doctor had a car accident, and so was unable to meet with me -- therefore that's been moved to next month. Instead, we (Esther, Daniela and I) commenced our own trip to the north of Israel, to Tverya. We had a great time!

After having experienced Tverya in July, I won't complain again about the heat in Maale Adummim! It was at least 5C hotter, and 30% more humid -- an oppressive combination. Fortunately, the hotel rooms were air-conditioned and we had a beautiful view of the Kinneret from our rooms. Interesting fact for those of our friends who are still in the Exile in Washington state: the Kinneret contains approximately 33% more water than Lake Washington.

The first night, we went out to eat at a place Esther had read about in the paper -- a nice, kosher restaurant not far from Tverya. As we made our way there, we were uncomfortably reminded of a similar trip out we had made not too long ago, which ended in a most disappointing meal! The further along the road we went, the more we were reminded of that meal of bad renown. But when we finally arrived, we saw our misgivings were misplaced; and after we started eating, we knew that we were not only wrong about the similarity to the other place, they were polar opposites! If you have the opportunity to go to that area of the country, we can heartily recommend Roberg's!

The next day, we went on a hike to the "Hexagon Pool" (בריכת המשושים). Our route took us down a mountainside, to the "Hexagon Creek", which we then followed to the pool. The round-trip took us about three hours, though it was only about 3km. it was extremely hot, and we stopped every ten or fifteen minutes to drink more water. However, it was a very interesting place to visit -- and there were almost no people. Perhaps the most entertaining part was when we entered the park, and the lady at the entrance booth told us in her Russian accent, "The water is contaminated; you decide what you want to do, but we have to tell you this. The water is deep. There is no lifeguard. You have to take at least a liter and a half of water. You have to have a hat. But you decide what you want to do...". Finally, the last day we went on a very interesting trip to Tzippori.

This shabbat we've got two of Daniela's friends over. They will enjoy: baked chicken, baked amnon fish, various salads, a beautiful plum pie made by Daniela, vegetable stuffed cabbage, curried potato soup, Israeli couscous-with roasted eggplant and cinnamon dressing, chard-mushroom tart.

Until next week,
Shabbat shalom !

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