
Blog/December 2018/Dec 28th

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December 28th Comments or questions? Click here!

Just a short pre-shabbat shout-out to let you know we’re having a great time being with Daniela, Jeremy, and the grandkids!

We literally did nothing much this week except be with the family and bask in the glow of our babies’ faces. And get covered with baby-drool. So there’s not much to tell you.

In between baby-dandling, I did work on some issues one of my perspicacious users found. He’s got quite the knack for finding obscure and difficult-to-debug bugs.

Esther spend her in-between times with her knitting. We’re both quite relaxed, which is a long-overdue good thing.

In the meantime, my mom is staying with my nephew and his family in Tsefat. She’s doing fine, and I hope she’ll agree to come back to our home after we return!

Sarah will be pleased to hear we’ve been indulging in “Nespresso” coffee.

Daniela’s in charge of the shabbat menu, so I really have no idea what’s on it — I just know it’ll be tasty!

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Dec 21st