
Blog/February 2020/Feb 14th

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February 14th Comments or questions? Click here!

Another very busy week for us! Esther continued to battle the Tax Monsters. I was busy working with my new client, getting the groundwork ready for the real work on their project next week and beyond. Sarah had to handle the other store in her company’s chain (in the same mall!). And Daniela’s been enjoying her mini-vaycay with her extremely adorable twins. Happy birthday Jeremy! Esther and I had dinner with one of my cousins this week. We lead such an active social life…

Political Ron:

Over in the USA, the Democrat party seems to be imploding. Creepy Joe Biden called a college-student a “lying dog-faced pony soldier”. That’s the least of the reasons he’s tanking in the polls. In the meantime, Comrade Bernie surges ahead, as did “Who am I” Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar. Of the lot of them, only Klobuchar is a sane moderate. Relatively speaking, that is; she’s quite left-wing, but at least she comes across as sane, unlike Bernie. But she’s still a distant third.

The real question for all of them is: how will you get all this done? None of them seems to want to answer that head-on. Comrade Bernie’s proposals are estimated to cost between 60 and 100 trillion dollars over the next decade. Trillion dollars. I don’t care how rich you are, that’s a metric butt-load of money. That’s in addition to the current 4.75 trillion proposed US budget; doubling or tripling the US budget for the next decade is just insane.

Socialism only works until you run out of other people’s money, pace Margaret Thatcher.

A lifelong Democrat went to a Trump rally. She was surprised that the people weren’t KKK fans or insane or violent. Something to be learned there, I think.

Technical Ron:

The Iowa caucuses were a tragicomedy. Partly because of a badly designed and executed mobile app, but mostly because of incompetence at all levels.

Despite our “High Tech Nation” status, we’re not immune: the Likud used an app which leaked details of every eligible voter in Israel. I’m so pleased we’ve got our own incompetents!

This week it was revealed that the Swiss company “Crypto AG” was secretly owned by the CIA, and sold compromised crypto hardware so the CIA and its partners could gather all sorts of information. So much for the vaunted Swiss neutrality!

Do you still think data security isn’t important?

The Ron is not amused:

  • “Humanity must die” to “save the planet”. Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a single damn about “saving the planet” if no humans are left to enjoy it. Call me selfish.
  • Seattle — God love ‘em! — is going to make math instruction all about race while downplaying “right” and “wrong” answers. Sweet Meteor o' Death, please come take them now!
  • Because otherwise, you might end up with NASA engineers who can’t do math. We all know how that ends.

It was quite cold this week, but the weather’s turned almost balmy for shabbat. The rain will return at the start of the week, but it’s not supposed to get quite as cold. That’s good, because I couldn’t feel my fingers half the week.

We’ve no guests this shabbat. The three of us will enjoy:
homemade rye-sourdough rolls, peceto al horno con papas y batatas, mushroom-barley soup, tarta de zapallito, roasted eggplants, pea salad, various salatim, and fruit cobbler.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Feb 7th