
Blog/November 2020/Nov 6th

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Nov 6th Comments or questions? Click here!

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it?

The USA held elections on Tuesday. We were told in the run-up to them that there would be a “Biden landslide”; or, by partisans of the other team, a “Trump landslide”. What we got instead is more akin to a thousand-mile backup on the freeway, in the middle of August, with no water and no restrooms in sight, while the gas-gauge hovers on “E”.

I’ll refrain from using the colorful language which comes immediately to mind.

The results are still unknown, legal battles are ensuing, and we may not know the outcome for quite some time. It was a nice country, while it lasted. Welcome to the new, improved, “Banana Republic, USA”!

Some thoughts, in particular for the more partisan (of any stripe):

  • Whoever ultimately wins will not have a “mandate”. That should be obvious, but if it’s not: literally half the country voted for the other team.
  • All pollsters should just wear clown-suits from now on, as a reminder of how ludicrous they are.
  • The main media outlets should no longer pretend to be non-partisan. That was a slim sham in any case, but their bias was so blatant this cycle that anyone who still thinks the media are neutral or objective should just not vote nor reproduce, ever. Please!
  • Far more important: try to bear in mind that disagreeing with you is not the same as being a disciple of Satan. Reasonable people can and do disagree on a wide variety of issues; they can even remain married to each other. You don’t have to be a putz just because you can.
  • Please stop the ad-hominem attacks. For example, the “Trump’s a racist” canard. Given that he did very well with various “Peoples of Color” this time around, it appears that at least they don’t think he is.
  • If you would like to try to have a balanced intake of news from all different sides of the spectrum, try “AllSides”. They (try to) objectively rate the sources as to their bias, and provide you feeds from all sides annotated with the bias rating. I’m enjoying their service quite a bit.

That’s it, that’s the story.

As for us: we’re all OK. The Middle East is getting better and more optimistic with each passing day. Our weather turned cool and pleasant for the first time since April, so that helps. Thanks to #45 we’re ratifying peace deals with Arab countries. Things are definitely looking up!

The weather is scheduled to remain seasonably cool and somewhat moist for the next week; shabbat is supposed to be relatively dry.

The scheduled shabbat menu is:
homemade beigele (kaʿak, Arab style sesame bagel), roast beef, roast potatoes, orange soup, traditional cholent, various salatim, and cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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