
Blog/September 2021/Sep 3rd

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September 3rd Comments or questions? Click here!

This week was not less busy than the previous one, with all kinds of medical appointments (not just for Mom: I had my fair share as well). I think we all are very much looking forward to a quiet shabbat, and the upcoming two days of rosh hashana (though I, for one, am not prepared for R”H).

The last thing I’d expected to say: kind words for bituaH leumi, the “National Insurance” organization (henceforth “BL”).

We had an “assistance agency” agent come by after Mom came back from the hospital, to see about getting someone to help with various daily activities. The BL had previously approved 5.5 weekly hours of aid for Mom, but because we could manage on our own, we decided instead to take that as cash to offset her pharma bills. Things have changed, though, so now we decided to change that back to get some help instead.

The agent got BL on the line while we were sitting around our table, and immediately got them to convert the payment to aid. So far, excellent! Then, the agent helped us fill out the BL forms to request additional aid, which she said she’d send off to BL.

Within a few days, BL called me and asked some questions about the situation. The next day, we got approval for more aid. Very impressive, and I really did think it would be a much more difficult and painful process. I guess they figure that they can’t mess around when someone’s as old as Mom is!

Not so much the personnel from the agency, however. We had three people contact us about helping: one who speaks no English at all, one who can sort of manage in English, and one who can’t make it to our town (so why did she call?). Since Mom speaks and understands nothing but English (which we did let the agent know), it’s rather important the helper speak at least some English.

The sort-of-manage-English one said she’d come by one day to see if it would work out. She didn’t show up, nor did she call. I contacted her, and she said she was “stuck in Jerusalem”; so we settled on her coming the next day. She said she would come B”H. Apparently, hashem didn’t help her, because she didn’t show that day either. Quite frustrating.

So we’re still looking…

Around the world and through the woods:

Before you ask: Mom’s improved somewhat since last week, but is pretty weak and more frail than she had been. We’re hopeful she’ll get a bit better as the effects of being hospitalized wear off.

I made a release of 8th this week, which is mainly bug fixes but also has a very cool “grid layout” feature to make UI design much easier. Esther’s been working her be-hind off, because the US IRS very inconsiderately has deadlines corresponding this year with our holidays. Rude!

We were inspired by our friend Bryna’s gravlax, and have made our very first attempt. It should be ready for R”H, and I am really looking forward to it!

Normal weather this week, cooling toward the end (and for the next week, B"H!)

This shabbat our menu contains:
homemade ḥalla, “Aunt Nancy’s chicken”, veggie cholent, various salatim, and brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and shana Tova!

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