
Blog/June 2022/Jun 3rd

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Jun 3rd Comments or questions? Click here!

I suppose the biggest news of the week is that we had the roofing “leak fixer” contractor show up (yesterday, as I write this). As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve had a leaking-roof problem ever since we moved into this house, and we’ve had several people come over to “fix” the issue. Mostly they gave perfunctory service; and, obviously, none of them actually fixed the leaks.

This new contractor came with a full crew. They drilled and opened holes in the walls and put down new sealant on the roof. Then, most astonishingly, they patched up the holes they had created! I know, you’re thinking I must be fibbing: Israeli contractors never, ever clean up after themselves! But no, it’s true: these guys really did clean up. They’ll finish up next week. And I know, you’re saying, “Oh come on! No contractor ever returns!”. But no, these guys left some equipment here, so I’m quite confident they’ll return, if only to get their equipment.

It’s good they came now, since that will give us a chance (though a slim one) to paint over the patches prior to the Visit of the Grands. In preparation for which, Esther and I made a trip to a local toy-store and purchased some Entertainment for the Grands. Sarah, bless her, likewise made a trip to her former place of employment, and cleaned out their stock of stickers. The Grands will probably just play with rocks, though, of which we’ve got a surplus.

Various and sundry:

  • Why “Memorial Day” in the USA is, unfortunately, a sad joke. The contrast with the equivalent Israeli commemoration is quite striking.
  • I think we’ll need to coin a new term, “Brandonisms”, for the ongoing series of gaffes from the POTUS. In his latest, he claims a 9mm bullet blows lungs out of the body, and that it is a “high-caliber” round. I wonder what he would say about a 50 cal BMG round?
  • “The Drinker” on why modern movies suck: CGI overload. He’s not wrong, though it’s only one of several issues with modern movies.
  • Remembering the “Apple Newton”, 30 years on. I actually worked on developing software for the prototype versions of these, way way way back “in the day”.
  • While the lede is about Iranian hackers, the real item is that Microsoft security still sucks.
  • And what’s the real problem with quantum-mechanics? chaos!

Work was quite frustrating this week, as you’ll no doubt have surmised from last week’s edition. However, I’m happy to say that my client finally agreed to accept the latest version of the document I’ve been writing for the past two months! Furthermore, the contractors of whom I wrote finally released a version of the software which almost meets our requirements. Surely, mashiaḥ is on our doorstep!

The shavuʿoth holiday arrives, not a moment too soon!, this coming Sunday. So we’ll be leaving shabbat and entering directly into yom-ṭov. That presents unique technical issues, mainly that we’ve got to prepare carefully so we can actually cook on Sunday should we need to. Of course, we’ll have plenty of food: Esther will ensure that!

The weather was pleasant, relatively cool (low 30s). It will be about the same for shabbat and yom-ṭov, which is nice!

For shabbat and yom-ṭov, we’ll serve:
home-made ḥalla, lamb rib roast, brisket, za’atar salmon, roasted potatoes, pasta salad, various salatim, brownies, and cheese-cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag sameaḥ!

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