
Blog/August 2022/Aug 26th

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Aug 26th Comments or questions? Click here!

I hit a sort of genealogical jackpot this week! A few weeks ago, Jeremy located two people I’d never heard of, who were both related to me in the same way, presumably from my mother’s paternal grandmother. I didn’t think too much about it at the time, aside from doing a perfunctory search for information.

This week I decided to look into it more, so I tracked down a family tree with one of the people on it (both of them were actually on it, they’re siblings). When I started looking at that tree, I noticed that someone with my ggma’s name and two of her children’s names was on it. Bingo!

There still needs to be some independent verification, but I was able to contact a third-cousin from that line, and she said that she had been told they had relatives (my family) in Pittsburgh. So — so far, the DNA evidence and the available trees all match up!

The downside was discovering that not all that part of the family left Ukraine, and it looks like quite a few were killed during the Holocaust. As far as I know, only this one branch of that family, and my ggma, actually left for the New World.

Esther keeps reminding me I need to do similar research for her side of the family. “It’s complicated”, I tell her!

Various and sundry:

The JPost manages to write seemingly serious articles which are based upon nothing. In this particular one, they are surprised that an “Orthodox” man manages to work in hi-tech. News flash, JPost: there are a helluva lot of us! Apparently the “Jerusalem” Post staff didn’t do a walkabout amongst Jerusalem’s hi-tech firms.

We’ve got very hot weather (37C+) for shabbat, and the heat-wave is supposed to last well into next week. I anticipate an “in-shabbat” this week featuring cold drinks.

Our menu this shabbat is simple:
homemade pita, zaʿatar chicken, sumac potatoes, roasted vegetables, various salatim, and chocolate-chip bars.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and Hodesh Tov!

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