
Blog/November 2022/Nov 11th

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Nov 11th Comments or questions? Click here!

A mere soupçon of politics this time. Netanyahu will try to form a governing coalition. We don’t know yet who exactly he’ll sideline and in what way, but we can be absolutely certain he will. In the US, elections held on Tuesday, still counting votes. What the hay, USA?!? We here in the Third-and-a-Half-World managed it much more quickly (and with many fewer problems). Even Brazil managed it faster than you guys, for goodness’ sake!

We had a busy week, as usual. Esther’s car needed to “pass the test”, and had to undergo its yearly maintenance. So last Thursday I messaged our mechanic and scheduled a visit for this Tuesday morning. We arrived and saw the shop was boarded up. Turns out, they had had an electrical fire in the interim, and the shop was burned out. Not good. So we went to a different mechanic, one we’d never used before. It was ok, but more expensive than the guy we’ve been using for years. We hope our guy had good insurance and rebuilds soon!

I had a business meeting in Jerusalem, in a location inconvenient for private vehicles. So I took the bus and the train, and in just an hour and a quarter I arrived. Were I able to drive there without traffic, it would have taken twenty minutes. Never mind. The meeting was one of those during which your eyes roll back in your head and you start counting backwards from 1,000,000 in ancient Greek. I don’t even know ancient Greek, but I was starting to hallucinate. The good news is that I charge by the hour.

It turns out that the entire meeting could have been done over Zoom, but the meeting organizer wasn’t aware of that. Seriously, towards the end of 2022…

Various and sun-dried:

We had some nice rain this week, enough to wash away the dust and saturate the ground. However, the rain did highlight the fact that not everyone involved in the construction trades here in the Land is aware that water collects at the lowest point. Point: we always have a persistent puddle on our entrance-way whenever it rains. I suppose that goes hand-in-hand with the notion that one need not seal the roof against moisture, because we live in a dry climate.

It was seasonably cool this week, and going to stay that way and dry for the near term.

This shabbat we’ve scheduled (among other things):
homemade ḥalla, butternut-squash soup, Lancashire hot-pot, roasted veggies, various salatim, and apple cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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