
Blog/February 2023/Feb 10th

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Feb 10th Comments or questions? Click here!

Winter arrived with a vengeance!

The temperatures dipped close to freezing in Jerusalem and environs, snow fell in the Golan and environs. It got so cold, our A/C decided it was “too cold” for it to operate. So for a couple days we were without heat, wandering disconsolately from freezing room to freezing room, wearing our winter coats. Then, miraculously, the A/C decided to resume heating; I think it’s because it overheard me discussing its possible replacements…

We took possession of our new oven this week; it’s much like the old one, only it (presumably) works. It’s so shiny, I’m afraid to use it! We simultaneously upgraded our 30-year-old food processor and got one that is so powerful and fancy, it should come with a butler. There wasn’t one in the box, however. Esther forbade me touching it until I’d read the manual and viewed some YouTube videos on its use. Fascist!

Sarah’s contracted COVID, so we hope she gets over it quickly and with minimal disruption, and that Yarin avoid it. One can hope.

Various things:

We attended the brit of Dinah’s son, the whopper; his name is Hillel Neriah. Mother and sons are doing well; not so sure about the father.

Our oven install took two days. On The First Day: the delivery folks delivered it. There it sat, unconnected, in its shipping box. On The Second Day: the technician arrived to assemble it. As per Israeli regulations, all gas appliances must be installed by a licensed technician. Of course, I was thinking, “I’ve done this before, I could do it now”. But this guy actually tested the gas pressure, ensured the oven didn’t have leaks, made sure the safety cutoffs worked, that the oven and stove worked, and did the guarantee paperwork. So I suppose it was worth the wait, after all. Next week I’ll let you know.

The average temperature for Jerusalem and environs, so far this February, is 3.5C below normal! While it won’t be bone-chillingly cold this shabbat, it will still be below average — but dry, presumably.

This shabbat, we’ll try to keep warm with:
homemade ḥalla, pot roast, cauliflower soup, roasted fennel, lots of food-processed items, various salatim, and brownies

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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