
Blog/February 2023/Feb 24th

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Feb 24th Comments or questions? Click here!

We were working as usual this week. Nothing exciting to report on that front, though I find my patience for humans has worn much thinner than it used to be.

I sent out an email to my “Aaron clan” members, detailing the latest we know about our forebears. Quite a lot, surprisingly, considering nobody alive knows much, and what they do know is often wrong. Entertainingly, my (likely) great-grandfather (or great-granduncle) featured prominently in the exposé “Biography of a Bookie Joint” by Walter Cronkite. At least the family’s not dull.

While I’ve pushed our tree out to about 2,300 people, it pales beside the largest genomic family tree containing some 27 million. Of course, my tree has people I know existed, while theirs is almost entirely speculative, so I feel good about myself.

Of note:

After making an incredibly good seeded-rye two weeks ago, I decided to eschew the store-bought loaves and just make my own bread. One loaf a week is all we need, and it’s so much better than the store bought! It is, that is, until disaster strikes. The loaves had risen nicely and filled the tin and were breaching the top, but collapsed upon baking. I think they may have been over-proved (though I’ve no proof), but they still tasted just fine.

The weather’s been reasonable, unlike yours truly. It’ll be above average for shabbat, warming into a springtime heat-wave during the week. I better get busy in the garden this week!

This shabbat, once again, we were invited out for a meal. As for the rest:
homemade ḥalla, traditional cholent, various salatim, and marble-cake

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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