Blog/February 2009/Feb 27th
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< Blog | February 2009
February 20th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!
Help feed the hungry in Israel!
- This shabbat we'll have guests from one of the seminaries. We'll report how that went, B"H next week.
- don't you just hate them? I do...
Job market:
- It's really tough out there
- Holland shoes our reservist. News slammed as anti-Israel
- America still holds Pollard prisoner after 24 years. On the same day that Jonathan Pollard was arrested , a Chinese gentleman was arrested for spying for Red China. That gentleman was released a long time ago. He committed the same kind of crime for an enemy state. Do Chinese have better status than Jews, or are all men created equal? Indeed the Americans want to use Pollard as a bargaining chip for 1967 border final status settlement or something like that. What other reason could it be? Pollard is a second Gil'ad Schalit.
- The UAE is not alone, just honest
- Muslim love
- Canada's got 'em too
- good demographic news
- need a car?
- America: look behind you!
Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!
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