
Blog/November 2014/Nov 14th

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November 14th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

Hi, again!

Lots of things going on this week. You’ve read the news, I’m sure, about Arabs stabbing Jews; you’ve read about Arabs running over Jews and about Arabs attempting to assassinate Jews. And yet the chattering classes in the West (and here) insist that we need to make “gestures” and “painful choices” for peace. The only peace the Arabs want us to have is the peace of the grave, and we are unwilling to cooperate.

But I digress. The main news of our personal week is the release of “beta2” of our 8th product. If you haven’t seen our web page, here it is. In the first beta program, we turned to people who have known me for a long time, or have some sort of professional connection with me. In this second beta program, we are trying to get “innocents” — primarily students who neither know me nor have experience with this kind of a language. To accomplish that, we’re trying to get Facebook to help us reach these folks.

But Facebook is not the easiest to use. At least, for us it’s not. It tells us people posted a comment, but when we click to see the comment there’s nothing there. It is pretty frustrating to use. We also entered groups which one of our consultants had found for us, but since they only have a few hundred people in them, they’re not the most suited to our needs. So we need to find a better set of groups (and learn to wield FB more effectively).

I would tell you a lot more, but it’s a “short Friday” and we have a great deal to do before shabbat, so I’ll sign off for now and say shabbat shalom!

This week it’s just Esther and me. We’ll have:
grilled steak, oven fried potatoes, crock-pot chicken, salatim, chicken soup, lots of wine, and fruit.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Nov 7th