
Blog/May 2015/May 29th

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May 29th (See this week's devar torah) Comments or questions? Click here!

A short week, since the holiday of shavuot was on Sunday. It was very relaxing and pleasant. We got back into our normal schedules. Still no cavities. Took care of our cooling needs. Prepared for a trip.

I’m travelling to the US to visit my mother and brother this coming week. Just me: Esther and Sarah will remain in the Land. I haven’t travelled in a while, and there are a number of things I need to do in the States, so some portion of this week has been set aside for preparing for this trip. Now I’m mostly ready, just need to pack my bag…

The air conditioner in Sarah’s room — yes, the one we had trouble with before (multiple times) — had once again given up the ghost a while back. While the weather was nice, it didn’t matter; but this past week saw record highs and poor Sarah exiled herself to a different room just so she could get some relief.

We were so disappointed with the A/C she had, and with the service and the entire history, that we decided to go to our old standby store, “Lior”, and buy a new (inexpensive) A/C unit. So we did that, and the next day a guy came to install it. Turns out, he also installed the A/C in our new neighbour's house. In and out in an hour, Sarah has working A/C and we hope it continues working. By the way, the old unit had no gas left in it! So either the last repair guy didn’t seal the connections properly, or didn’t properly solder the joints — but in any event, he didn’t bother to check the work he had done. Note to the wise: don’t buy Electra!

Last week I told you about my tooth pain, and that the dentist said it was likely a sinus problem. So this week I went to the regular doctor and was told that she didn’t think I had typical sinusitis since I didn’t have the usual symptoms. But she gave me antibiotics anyway and also told me that I should have an x-ray done to rule out other issues. So after I get back from my trip, I’ll do the x-ray — assuming the antibiotics haven’t yet helped by then.

Esther’s gone on a Friday excursion in Tel Aviv, leaving Sarah and I to prepare for shabbat. Well actually, she already made most everything. Sarah’ll have to make the “vegetarian option”, while I’m in charge of the ḥraime (currently on the stove). We’ll be fine, I’ll wager.

We’ve got Dinah with us this week, and between the four of us we’ll enjoy:
roast chicken, ḥraime, “vegetarian option”, eggplant salad, coleslaw, matboucha, petitim salad, egg salad, homemade ḥalla, and banana muffins.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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