
Blog/June 2017/Jun 9th

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June 9th

This time around… guess what? We had a busy week!

I’m writing this on Thursday night rather than the usual Friday morning, because on Friday morning we travelled (will have travelled) to the mid-north of the country to attend the brit-mila of our friend’s son. That would be Dinah’s sister Leah’s son, yet to be named. So since the round trip will take a significant part of the day, I decided to write this up on Thursday night so I would have more available time on Friday.

Esther’s been filling-in for her absent-on-maternity-leave co-worker. Sorry ‘bout all the hyphens. Anyway, she’s working more hours than usual, and so she’s getting home more tired than usual. Thus, my culinary skills are being put to more frequent use. I would have said they’re getting honed, but the empirical evidence doesn’t really support that assertion.

As for me, I’ve been working on a client’s project as well as working on getting more clients. Lots of emailing, schmoozing, networking, and talking. None of which I particularly enjoy, but they’re necessary after all. Besides that, I’ve been doing some overhauling of 8th’s internals for the upcoming release. Busy, busy.

But not busy enough to refrain from going out with Esther for a “movie night”, however. We saw Wonder Woman, and while I wouldn’t say it was a “fantastic movie” as many of the reviewers did, we both did enjoy it. Gal Gadot really was terrific in the rôle (and she’s a mensch in real-life), and Chris Pine was a perfect foil. Without giving you any spoilers, I’ll say that I found the first half of the movie more enjoyable than the second half.

Important or just plain weird:


So the weather has turned “beastly hot”, but we’re assured by the forecasters that it will drop to “just hot” on shabbat, and then rise to just under “very hot” for the coming week. Yeah, baby.

Oh, and I’m happy to report that my Mom is doing fine, B”H!

This shabbat the three of us will relax in style, with the A/C on. No D/C. Our menu includes:
baked chicken, Spanish rice, roasted beets, roasted potatoes, green beans, split-pea soup, various salatim, braised #covfefe, and various fruits.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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