
Blog/May 2018/May 11th

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May 11th

Aside from the usual running around for clients and errands, I made a new release of 8th this week. Esther was busy trying to finish off things before her upcoming journey to the US. Sarah came for a visit. It was a packed week.

I’m not sure how my wife will manage to pack all the knitted goods, knitting supplies, various gifts, and her own supplies into the 23kg luggage allotment. Maybe she'll jettison her own supplies and just get replacements in the US. I, on the other hand, only need to bring a couple changes of underwear. Sometimes it’s good to be a guy… (no, Daniela: I will bring other clothes, don’t worry!).

It’s been a good week for President Trump, and hard to complain about so much winning! North Korea’s making noises about ending the Korean war (after almost 7 decades), they released several Americans held hostage there, unemployment in the US is the lowest it’s been since 2000 (!), and the US is leaving the “Iran deal”.

This last has caused the entire “mainstream media” to go berserk. But here’s the thing: since Obama never went through Congress for “the deal”, but rather made it a Presidential decree… so therefore Trump could simply come along and reverse the decree. Lesson to be learned, Democrats: don’t subvert the Constitutional system of checks and balances, and your short-term gains will remain to become long-term ones.

As far as we’re concerned here in the Land, it’s a good thing the Iran deal is off the table, since it provided absolutely no security for anyone in the region except the regime of the ayatollahs. But as an immediate result, Iran is waxing considerably more belligerent (though it’s hard to believe that was possible) and shot missiles at Israel from Syria. Israel responded as it should have, and Iran’s losing support even from its allies. Bahrain actually said that Israel has the right to defend itself.

The Middle-East is a strange and wonderful place.

My only request of the ayatollahs is that they keep the leash on their Hezbollah lap-dogs until after shabbat, so I can have a peaceful nap.

We’ve had nice weather, except for a one-day dust-storm; the weather for the next several days is supposed to be cooler, and we might get some rain.

More guests! This shabbat they’ll feast upon:
homemade ḥalla, chicken schnitzel, baked yams, baked potatoes, various salatim, and brownies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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