
Blog/September 2018/Sep 7th

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September 7th

Esther and I were (as usual) very busy this week. She went in to work most days; normally, she only goes in two days. The US tax deadlines are inconsiderate of Jewish holidays, so she had a pile of work to do before she couldn’t.

I worked assiduously at finishing-up the new release of 8th. The result was released on Thursday, and so far I haven’t had any bug-reports, so that’s a good thing. This is the first version to include support for a real “embedded” platform, “Automotive Grade Linux”, and that’s exciting because it widens the audience for 8th.

We did a “shuq-run” to get provender for the upcoming holiday; vegetables, fruit, nuts, and wine. Wednesday afternoon turns out to be a good day to go: we knew that on Thursday the shuq would be packed and crazy, but Wednesday it was fine. So Esther and I braved the howling masses and got our supplies.

Then she spent the next day baking cakes and planning menus and getting stressed. I was working on the aforementioned release, so I was also stressed. We relieved the stress by trying out some new beers with dinner. Nothing special, just decent beers.

Sarah’s definitely a “good employee”. Last week, her new employer gave her more responsibilities. This week she was given still more. Apparently, she actually does her work as it’s supposed to be done — that’s a real rarity these days.

Daniela resumed work this week, having timed the twins’ births to coincide with summer-vacation. So now the whole family’s busy — just in time to stop for the holiday. The twins are ever more adorable, even if I say so myself!

The Rosh HaShanah holiday commences Sunday evening, and isn’t over until Tuesday night, even here in the Land. So we’ll be incommunicado for that period, contemplating our deficiencies and attempting to make amends.

The heat-wave has simmered-down, and the weather should be pleasant for shabbat and the holiday.

No guests this shabbat. But Esther’s here, and preparing:
homemade ḥalla, stuffed eggplant, baked chicken, potatoes, various salatim, and date-walnut cake.

For the holiday, we’ll have lots more of all kinds of things; in particular, there will be honey-cake and apple-cake. And something with pomegranates. And wine…

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and shana ṭova!

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