
Blog/October 2018/Oct 12th

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October 12th Comments or questions? Click here!

Here in Israel, there’s a common expression: “אחרי החגים”, meaning “after the Holidays”. You ask someone, “when will it be done?” and they answer, “after the Holidays”. From anywhere in the latter part of the summer until “after the Holidays”, almost nothing of consequence gets done. That’s because the kids are out of school and the parents need to entertain them, or because it’s really hot and people have no energy, or because they’re excited for the Holidays and planning ahead, or because they’re following Europe’s example and taking August off.

Whatever the actual reason for the interminable hiatus, it happens every year. So it’s always nice to return to the “after the Holidays” period, when things perk up. This week, my clients all woke up simultaneously; so after a period of relative inactivity, I’m now over-committed. Don’t get me wrong: I’m happy to be working; but it would be nice if the ebb and flow was less extreme!

Esther’s been working 10-12 hour days preparing her boss’s clients’ US tax forms, and she’s about ready for tax-season to end. I think she’s been ready for it since “before the Holidays”, but that’s another story. Unfortunately, she’s essentially doing the work load of two people. Fortunately, her boss appreciates her efforts.

Sarah’s likewise pulling long hours dealing with irascible elderly customers with unreasonable demands. Welcome to retail, daughter!

We got our own US taxes done (as US citizens, we have to file taxes in the US even if we don’t have to pay anything). Esther thoughtfully sent me to the post office to mail off the forms. Normally, it would take 10-15 minutes. This time it took more than 90 minutes. Please, don’t make me go back there!


Thanks to Sarah, who introduced us, I’ve been using the excellent bodbot exercise application over the past few weeks. It really is excellent, you should try it if you are interested in becoming more fit and/or losing weight. However, it has some downsides. Such as: pointing out my knees are in bad shape, I have a poor sense of balance, and my upper-body strength is comparable to that of a 10 year-old girl. Other than that, I like the app.

The weather has been glorious this past week! Cool evenings and mild days, continuing a slow downward trend. We’re all appreciative!

This shabbat, the three of us will relax and enjoy:
homemade ḥalla, sticky chicken-wings, roasted veggies, split-pea soup, various salatim, and honey-cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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