
December 2018/Dec 21st

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December 21st Comments or questions? Click here!

We’ve been making preparations for our upcoming trip to the Olde Country. They mostly involve trying to think what cute things we can bring with us to spoil our grandchildren. It’s a tough job.

Esther and I worked on finishing up our outstanding work tasks, so we’d feel ready to relax and coo at the babies. We were ready for that long ago, to be honest; but one must prepare.

And: happy birthdays to Daniela!

Do you recall my talking about how Senator Warren did a DNA test which showed she has perhaps 0.01% Native American ancestry? Well, a much younger lady did a DNA test expecting to confirm her internal dialogue about her ancestry. It’s quite entertaining, and a bit sad as well.

The “BDS” attacks continue ad nauseum. But sometimes, they fail miserably. No, I mean really, really, miserably. In fact, boycotts seldom fulfill their ostensible purpose, and instead have the reverse effect. I can feel the Liberal Tears Tumblers™ filling up all over the US East and West coasts!

Interesting stuff:

Remember I mentioned Australia’s new encryption laws? They passed them. But as Signal points out, they will be impossible to enforce (and that’s a good thing).

We had a decent amount of rain this week, and are supposed to have some drizzle today as well as off and on for the next day or so. And then we change venues, where the temperatures will be 10C colder. <brrr!>

We’re on an emergency-rations footing this shabbat, since we don’t want to have much in the way of leftovers after we leave. We’ll have:
ḥalla, baked chicken, various salatim, and cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Dec 14th