
Blog/February 2019/Feb 1st

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February 1st Comments or questions? Click here!

So: Esther’s been battling her cold, and acquired pink eye in the meantime. Jeremy was released from the hospital and is recovering well at home. I got my knee MRI report (yes indeed, a well torn meniscus), and acquired some weird mouth infection in the meantime. Mom, however, is doing just fine, B”H!

It’s been rather a rough start to 2019.

The babies, on the other hand, are doing well (as babies tend to do)! Gabriel is scooting around, trying to work out how to crawl effectively. Naomi observes him carefully; once he’s figured it out, she’ll probably just start walking. Both of them need to work on their eating etiquette.

Esther was told by the doctor to stay home this week, so she did, to her boss’s dismay. I made a bug-fix release for 8th, and otherwise took care of the sickos.

In other news, both Esther and I did a “DNA test” to see what our ancestry was. I just felt like doing it because I was curious. My expectation was that I would have some Russian or Polish admixture in my DNA. Turns out, I’m “99.7% Ashkenazi Jewish” — very boring. Esther’s results were far more interesting, and confirmed what we know about her background: some Sephardic Jewish mixed with mostly Mizraḥi Jewish and a few oddities. What strikes me about my result is that we were in Europe for at least 1000 years, and apparently didn’t marry any converts, or get “hijacked” by the locals. Very insular, indeed!

Various and sundry:

The Israeli elections are coming up in a couple months, and the mud-flinging has commenced. It’s looking pretty grim for Netanyahu. For one thing, he may be indicted on one or more charges before the election. That won’t be good for him. For another, the “middle-Left” parties are getting more popular and may take away enough seats from the “various-Right” parties, that Netanyahu will have to make a very weak “right-wing” coalition, or a stronger “left-wing” one. Neither will be good for him.

As is my practice, I’ll be casting my vote for a party with virtually no chance of making it into the Knesset. I’ll do that because I don’t believe in playing electoral chess: I vote for the party which most closely matches my political and moral beliefs. So “Zehut” will get my vote this time, even though I think (as I’ve said before) that its leader did the wrong thing by trying to rise inside the Likud party. Netanyahu whacked him, as is his practice.

Anyway, the weather has turned balmy-ish. It will be reasonably warm for the next week, since it’s after Tu B’Shevat, and therefore local Spring has Sprung. On the other hand, the weather in NY is very cold, just in time for Sarah’s upcoming trip to visit her sister et. fam.. Bon voyage!

It’s just the three of us this week, feasting upon: homemade ḥalla, vegetable soup, khoresht-e-fesenjan, Persian steamed rice, veggie pashtida, various salatim, and quince pastafrola.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Jan 25th Next: Feb 8th