
Blog/August 2019/Aug 16th

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August 16th Comments or questions? Click here!

Among other things, this week we had dinner with our meḥutanim, Jeremy’s parents, in Tel Aviv. They came to town to help make wedding arrangements for their other son, who lives in Israel now. We had a very pleasant evening with them, and hope their various arrangements went well; and also: happy 40th anniversary to them!

On the way to dinner, I was with my mom. We had to park quite a distance from the restaurant, and mom uses a walker. She was getting tired, and I suggested she sit on the walker (it has a seat), and I would push. So we did.

What I didn’t count on was the uneven surface, with rather wide gaps between the wooden boards. Almost at our destination, a wheel of the walker caught in a gap and froze, tipping over the walker and dropping mom like a bag of flour onto the wooden surface. I immediately tumbled after her, and only by a miracle reacted quickly enough to keep from crushing mom underneath me.

As we lay there in a daze, half a dozen people quickly gathered around us and offered water, ice, and assistance. Mom kept remarking how nice everyone is in Israel (it’s true: Israelis are amazing in emergencies). As it turns out, she escaped with only a few abrasions, and I managed to get off scot-free. Except for the heavy burden of guilt I felt for dumping my 93 year-old mother on a dirty pavement, that is.

After the dinner, mom and I went to visit Sarah in her new apartment. I had brought mezuzoth to affix. I’d previously told mom that there were a lot of stairs at Sarah’s, and was she really sure she wanted to go? She was, so we did. Sarah came down to greet us and help in getting mom up the 70,000 stairs to her apartment. A fun time was had by all. It’s a nice place, but I’m glad I don’t have to schlep up that many stairs…

Things to note:

I’ve been spending my time writing pricing quotes for potential clients, seeking out new clients, working on 8th, and baking bread. Well, and taking mom to the nurses’ station to check that she’s really OK after that fall. She is, B”H.

I asked my doctor whether or not I needed to get a measles booster, since I was pretty sure Daniela would refuse me access to my grand-children if I was vulnerable. So he made me take an extra blood-test along with the dozens I already take to monitor my overall medical status. Good news, Daniela! I’m immune to measles. Also, my new medications seem to be working, albeit slowly.

What else? Just yesterday, Israel decided to ban the two rabble-rousing anti-Semitic Congresscritters. It was, to be honest, a lose-lose situation: if we didn’t ban them, they would incite and propagandize here. If we did ban them, they would bitch about our “racist” policies. Well, we did, and they are. But here’s the thing: countries routinely ban politicians they deem undesirable. The USA banned our MK Michael Ben-Ari. The UK, Holland, and a host of others have done the same or worse. I personally think we should have let them in, taken them on a tour of Gaza, and left them there. But nobody asked me.

It’s still summer, so the weather is still hot. We’ll update you when fall arrives…

This week’s shabbat menu includes:
homemade ḥalla, baked chicken, baked potatoes, various salatim, and peach cobbler.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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