
Blog/October 2019/Oct 25th

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October 25th Comments or questions? Click here!

Once again, we had a yom-ṭov this week — the last one until the spring. Whether you consider that a good thing or not, we had a pleasantly relaxing time. Good food, good company, and goodbye Israeli “holiday season”. Now it’s back to work.

The downside of the holidays is that our USA’n family has two-days of yom-ṭov, so we in the Land have that much longer to wait to see the twins. Inhumane!

Esther’s work was much more calm than prior to the “season”, since they had pushed hard to complete as much work as possible before the holidays. So good for her!

I, on the other hand, was inundated with bug reports, suggestions, complaints, and kudos. Some of the issues reported resulted in some significant (unpaid) work for me, but as they say, “it’s all good”. I also resumed working on one of my (paying) clients’ projects. That is, in fact, “good”.

Because we don’t (or at least try not to) shop during the “intermediate days” of the holiday, we were out of fruits and veggies and dairy. So the day after the end of the holiday, we decided to shop. But we were both fatigued and not interested in going to the store, so we ordered “online”. That sounds like a much better idea than it turned out to be.

I’m not usually a fan of online shopping for produce, since you’re at the mercy of people who don’t necessarily know how or care to check for ripeness or quality. As it happens, you’re also at the mercy of people who simply don’t know how to read.

We ordered one bag of potatoes; they sent three bags. They didn’t have the tofu we wanted, we told them not to send any; they sent two packages (one “basil flavored”). They sent us vacuum-packed pre-cooked corn-on-the-cob; something which we would never have ordered, I don’t even know how they came up with that. We specifically said: “only mehadrin dairy, not substitutions”; they sent us non-mehadrin milk. There were so many mistakes in our order I couldn’t stop laughing.

Sometimes you don’t even get what you paid for.


  • The VPN I use, “NordVPN”, was hacked last year sometime. Not a good “look” for a security-oriented company.
  • Actually impactful: “quantum supremacy” demonstrated for (I think) the first time. That means that a “quantum computer” has been shown to be able to solve a problem much, much, faster than a traditional computer could.
  • A man in the UK invented a new kind of battery in his garage. He stands to make million$.
  • Not to be outdone, an Israeli develops an internal-combustion engine which runs on a water and alcohol mixture.
  • Socialist policies are at the heart of why we don’t have butter in the Land of Milk and Honey.
  • A Japanese hotel chain apologizes that hackers may have used their creepy robot butlers to watch guests. This is why I don’t travel to Japan.

The weather was gloriously cool this week, by ME standards, and it rained as well. The cool is supposed to continue and get even more cool, and rain is on the schedule for shabbat!

But it’s back to the “normal” shabbat for us. On the menu:
ḥalla, stuffed vegetables, potato-leek soup, lentil soup, green beans, various salatim, and “wafers”.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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