
Blog/January 2020/Jan 17th

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January 17th Comments or questions? Click here!

This week was a pretty calm and normal one chez Aaron. Esther worked, I worked, Mom did her thing, Sarah sold books, Daniela taught reluctant teenagers. Nothing too exciting to report… except for bagels!

I made bagels for the very first time this week, from an adaptation of this recipe (my adaptation: replacing half the bread flour with whole-wheat, rye, and some gluten). Some of them got a bit toasty but the texture was great! Mom was thrilled to be able to have bagels for breakfast, so sourdough-rye bagels will be appearing again, soon! They’re really not difficult to make, but you do have to boil them before baking, to get the proper result.

And: there is absolutely no comparison between these properly chewy, crusty bagels, and the bread-doughnut bastardized things you get in a store. Don’t settle for cheap imitations!

I was also busy working on getting cost estimates for a client, and doing some work for another client, and in making progress on removing JUCE from 8th. It’s been a busy week for me.

In Israel news: this week was the deadline for political parties to finalize their lists and register for the March elections. One poll (get ready for the onslaught!) says there’s no significant change in the distribution of votes, despite a few parties merging and a few people jumping ship. I’m going to invest in a big tub of popcorn and a bucket of beer, so I can watch the upcoming disaster in comfort. Vote for Pedro!

Around the bend:

  • The PA finally pays part of its electric bill. They were only 1.8 billion shekels in arrears, nothing to be concerned about.
  • The NSA revealed a Windows vulnerability, a very serious one. But since they revealed it, it means it wasn’t a useful exploit for them. One wonders just how full of holes the Windows 10 cheese is?
  • Yay for the EU bureaucrats! They are as usual, doing too little, too late, but they will raise costs for everyone. As usual.
  • The “Progressive Left” in the USA is watching, horrified, as Warren and Sanders duke it out. It’s getting real, people!
  • Last but not least: Boeing screws up, again. Would you go up in a Boeing-designed shuttle, knowing that they’re sub-contracting the cheapest possible engineering teams? Bad move, Boeing, bad move.

I’ve been finding more far-flung cousins as I slowly continue my family-tree research. Now I’ve found someone who’s got my great-grandparents in his family-tree, but of whom I’ve never heard. Now I’m trying to get more details as to how and if we’re actually related.

It’s been seasonably cool and clear this week, but we’re supposed to have a rainy shabbat, with rain continuing into the coming week. Time for soup!

This shabbat the three of us will have:
homemade ḥalla, brisket, tzimmes, mushroom soup, roasted potatoes, various salatim, and “black and white” cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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