
Blog/April 2020/Apr 3rd

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April 3rd Comments or questions? Click here!

What a crazy week!

Since the restrictions on leaving the house have been increasingly strict, we were concerned we wouldn’t be able to get food supplies. After all, next week the Passover holiday begins, and we need to ensure we’ve got proper supplies in the house — even though it will (sadly) only be the three of us around the seder table.

We were concerned about the Israeli egg shortage, and how we’d get sufficient eggs for the holiday. So Esther ordered some eggs via a friend who knows someone who produces eggs. Yes, it sounds sketchy. Then we had a supermarket deliver some eggs. And we went to the “Rami Levy” store the other day and got some more eggs.

In the end we ended up with seven dozen eggs. Even by Israeli standards, that’s crazy. I’m a bit concerned the police will arrest us for hoarding. Or is that “poaching”?…

Then, because Passover requires vegetables, and we had to ensure our veggie supply didn’t run out, we placed an order with a delivery person (from the shuq), but they didn’t get back to us. So at “Rami Levy” we went crazy and got all kinds of vegetables. Then the shuq-person came through, and we’ve got a delivery this morning.

I don’t know where we’re going to put all the veg…

As I mentioned, we went to “Rami Levy” to get supplies. Because of the restrictions on contact, they only let in a certain number of shoppers at a time, so there was a fairly long line outside waiting for entry. After a while, the guard came by, pointed at me, and said, “come here”. I thought he’d figured out my egg-hoarding scam; but no, he moved us to the front of the line. Why, you ask? Because apparently I look really old! I would have been offended, but I decided to cut him some slack this time.

In the news:

  • Two interesting videos regarding the “coronavirus": (1) from someone who lived in China and researched on the Chinese internet; and (2) from Tim Pool, reporting that it is confirmed China has lied about, well, everything, about the virus.
  • Joe Biden’s disappearing leadership skills should be a concern. So should the lack of a plan evinced by the current POTUS.
  • People have been zooming over to the Zoom platform for remote video conferencing. Unfortunately, Zoom seems to have a number of privacy problems…
  • Something fun: ASCII-art, “permadeath”, and the history of “roguelike” games.

I finally made a release of 8th, after several months of hard work. Now I’ve got to deal with the feedback and bug-reports, but that’s a good thing!

Both Sarah and Daniela et. fam. are doing fine, thank you for asking! They’re getting inventive in their culinary endeavors as well, being “locked in” as we are.

We’re going to have a mini-heat-wave over shabbat and Sunday, returning to cooler spring weather afterwards. Maybe rain for pesaḥ, we’ll see.

Our potential shabbat menu this week:
homemade ḥalla, veggie soup, chicken ‘n rice, various salatim, and banana cake, banana muffins, banana Daiquiris.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag sameaḥ!

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