
Blog/October 2020/Oct 23rd

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Oct 23rd Comments or questions? Click here!

It’s been a pretty normal week, all things considered. Esther’s tax-season-craziness has abated, so we saw each other periodically. Daniela’s teaching. Sarah’s still on leave pending her chain reopening stores. I’m still occupying about 78 liters of space. Mom is still chugging along, oblivious to our blandishments. And the world continues apace…

One of the biggest and most important events of the week wasn’t the Hunter Biden treasure-trove of illegal activity, it was rather the complete blackout on sharing that information, imposed by Facebook and Twitter. I know people who had their Twitter accounts disabled simply for mentioning the story. High-profile and important accounts, such as the one for the White House Press Secretary (and many others) were also disabled or removed from search results.

In an era where “social media” has become the primary source of information for “the public”, it is incredibly dangerous for Twitter et. al. to do this, and it is in fact election-tampering. It also belies their constant claim of being a “platform” rather than a “publisher”. If the latter, they are subject to the same restrictions and laws which apply to newspapers; if the former, they cannot editorialize. We’ve known for years, literally, on which “side of the aisle” they lean, and that’s fine; censoring posts for political or indoctrination purposes is not (unless they’re willing to forgo their claimed “platform” exemptions). Truly despicable.


  • American Jews should stop being shocked. An important article by Bari Weiss.
  • The CDC reports that over 70% of COVID patients had been wearing their masks properly. Of course, the masks are only intended to reduce the probability that the wearer will spread contagion, they don’t really prevent the wearer from getting infected.
  • In an unsurprising example of “unintended consequences”, research shows that “Critical Race Theory” is making people more racist rather than the opposite.
  • A moderate conservative deliberates whether to vote T or B.
  • As it happens, a majority of Arab respondents are happy Gal Gadot will play “Cleopatra”.
  • An Emirati perspective on the UAE-Israel peace agreement.

The “chief negotiator” for the PLO, Sa`eb Erekat, became ill with COVID and his situation deteriorated to the point where he required hospitalization. So we bleeding-hearts accepted him as a patient in one of our premier hospitals. So we could keep this terrorist, murderer, and disgusting liar alive. My vote was to drop him off one of the cliffs on the way to the hospital. If he dies in our hospital, we’ll be accused of killing him. If he doesn’t, we’ll be accused of trying to kill him. It’s a no-win situation for us, we should have let him rot in a PA hospital, the BDS supporter (but not when it comes to his own self-interest). POS.

I made a new release of 8th this week, which has a number of nice new features and which fixed a bunch of edge-case issues. I think this is the most solid release yet!

The weather was supposed to have cooled a lot. We were supposed to have gotten some rain. They lied! We did get about ten drops of rain, and it did cool some. But it’s got a good long way to go to get to seasonal norms, and I, for one, am tired of summer. Tired of 2020, if I’m completely honest…

On this fine shabbat, we might be eating:
ḥalla, keftas de prasa, chicken tacos, fried eggplant, egg salad, coleslaw, various salatim, and babka.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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