
Blog/July 2022/Jul 29th

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Jul 29th Comments or questions? Click here!

It’s been a hot week, but we managed to do a few things anyway.

Our fancy shabbat-friendly-water-bar stopped giving very much cold water, so we called the company. They sent out a technician. Given other experiences we and others have had with technicians, we had very low expectations. Well, the guy came, and in about a minute replaced a faulty pressure valve and fixed the machine. Win!

I returned to the outpatient clinic for my “nose job” — since the bleeding hadn’t gone away. I was anticipating pain and suffering as recorded previously in these pages; but in fact, the doctora said she wasn’t going to do any cauterization because – she said – it “looked good”, and I only needed to apply some cream twice a day for a month and re-visit in a month and a half.

That pleased me; but after we left, my nose started bleeding again. The next day it bled quite a lot. I am considerably less happy and optimistic than I was that bright July morning when I visited the doctor. Reality bites.

We also spent half a day visiting with Sarah and Yarin, which was nice. The trip back: not so nice. But them’s the breaks.


I also managed to make another release of 8th this week. It is mainly a bug-fix release, but has a few nice feature updates as well. As usual.

It’s rosh-ḥodesh menaḥem-ʼav today, so 9Av is coming up a week from Sunday (yes, next shabbat is the actual 9th day of the month of ʼav, but we don’t fast on shabbat unless it’s yom hakippurim). So we’re supposed to “diminish in happiness” once this month begins. My plan for that is to read the news headlines.

Forecast: really hot day, pretty hot tomorrow, mostly hot the next days. Regular ʼav weather in the Land.

This shabbat our guests and we will enjoy:
homemade ḥalla, brisket, spicy chicken, roasted vegetables, zucchini quiche, and more!, various salatim, mucho vino, and fruit salad.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh ṭov!

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