
Blog/October 2022/Oct 14th

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Oct 14th Comments or questions? Click here!

We commenced the sukkoth holiday (aka the “Festival of Booths”) this week; to our great joy, the weather was pleasantly moderate and even cool! Esther’s traditional stuffed-vegetables made it into the sukkah, as did some guests.

As mentioned previously, I had contacted a long-lost relative of mine on my mother’s mother’s branch of the family, and he was very excited to have heard of me. He, his wife, and two of his children came to our place during the holiday, and we had a really nice visit (in addition to filling in a bit more of The Tree™). A congenial lot, and we expect to get together with them from time to time in the future.

Sarah and Yarin returned from their European Vacation, though I’m not sure they wanted to (and the vacation wasn’t at all like the movie). We met up with them and Yarin’s family at a restaurant in Herzliya yesterday evening. Another pleasant get-together with a congenial crowd.

So: though I’m generally antisocial, I can be persuaded to emulate a normal human, and even enjoy it!

This week, almost no time was spent trawling the internet on your behalf. Apologies:

  • Our PayPal overlords decided to charge $1,500 per “violation” if a customer of theirs posted something “inappropriate” somewhere. They thankfully disavowed ever having any intent of doing that, and “no, we don’t know how that text got into our TOS”. Better luck next time, PayPal (and you know they’ll try again).
  • It started as a Right-wing meme mocking the Left, but indeed, #DraftOurDaughters is making a comeback. After all, equality!

Esther and I both had to work during moʿed, which we try to avoid doing. So we didn’t have as restful a holiday as we were hoping for. Nevertheless, it was pleasant.

The weather was very cooperative this week, B”H! The forecast calls for seasonably pleasant weather to continue for at least the near term, with the possibility of the first rain of the season on Monday (during the upcoming holiday, but that’s OK, we won’t be in the sukkah then).

Because we’re invited out, our menu for shabbat is a bit sparse:
homemade ḥalla, cholent of some sort, various salatim, and honey cake.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥag sameaḥ!

Top: Blog Prev: Oct 7th