
Blog/February 2024/Feb 16th

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February 16th Comments or questions? Click here!

As my friend writes, it was “not just another day” this past Monday, when the IDF entered Rafah and rescued two hostages. “Don’t enter Rafah…”, our soi-disant allies said, “…you’ll endanger the hostage negotiations!”. Well I, for one, was well pleased we ignored our “allies” and took care of some business.

That was by far the best news we’ve had in a long time, and it was a much-needed shot in the arm.

Around and around:

You may not have known this, but until Oct 7th I had no particular issues with Arabs from the PA entering Israel to work. After all, they could make a much higher wage in IL than in the PA. Until a few days after Oct 7th, I was concerned that those Arabs would have problems now because nobody wanted to hire them any more, and I said, “surely most of them just want to work and live normal lives”. And then we saw video after video of the ordinary PA and Gazan Arabs celebrating Oct 7th. And then we saw videos of ordinary Gazans actually participating in the pogrom.

So please, enough with the “don’t punish the innocents”. There aren’t any innocents in Gaza (or the PA for that matter), save perhaps the very youngest children. They’re all complicit, either actively in Hamas (or other such groups), supporting them, providing cover for them, cheering them on, or raising the next generation of them. My empathy-gland has dried up — don’t ask any empathy from me for them, ever again.

Gaza delenda est.

The weather was fine this week, but turned damp and cold towards the end. It will remain cool until mid-week, with showers here and there.

We hope to regale our shabbat guests with:
homemade sourdough ḥalla, lentil soup, roasted chicken, “meatballs” with mushroom ragout, Brussels sprouts, various salatim, and ḥawwayij-ginger snap cookies.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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