
Blog/February 2024/Feb 23rd

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February 23rd Comments or questions? Click here!

Sarah underwent a surgery this week, so Esther and I spent most of a day at the hospital along with Yarin. She’s fine and back home, recovering. Hopefully she’ll be her normal dark self shortly. רפואה שלמה!

Thursday morning was a bit more exciting than we would have liked. Lots of sirens, traffic backed up for several hours, a number of wounded and one fatality. We weren’t directly affected, but it’s the road we take to go pretty much anywhere. It’s long past time to completely close the borders with the PA and Gaza, and let them rot. Alternatively, kick them out. Hashtag: #TheyMustGo.

Some time ago, I decided we had to get rid of the decaying shelving units in our storage area (aka “The Garage”, though it’s not one). Those units had accompanied us for 30 years or so, and were simply falling apart. So I ordered regular metal shelving units, which arrived much earlier than expected. Thus I found myself in a quandary, because the weather was not conducive to emptying out the garage. We waited until this week…

… and in two days, I emptied the garage and cleaned it, painted the interior with leftover paint from other projects, assembled the shelving units and installed them, and restocked the garage. We also went through the 30+ years of accumulated… stuff… and tossed quite a bit. Now the garage is actually useful, and my body’s informing me I overdid it.

Stuff you may not have seen:

I’m redoing my “zemanim” application, this time in “8th”. I’ll probably have a release ready next week some time — it’s so much faster to work in 8th than it was to use Java! And this time, it will run on all the main desktop and mobile systems, not just Android…

The weather was very pleasant, and there’s a chance of showers here and there over shabbat.

We’ve been invited out for a meal this shabbat, for the rest:
ḥalla, slow-cooker brisket, various salatim, and some sort of dessert.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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