
Blog/April 2024/Apr 12th

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April 12th Comments or questions? Click here!

Did you know there was a total solar eclipse this week? If you didn’t, you must be hiding underground. Anyway, Daniela and family made a trek to the north of NY to view it. The kids enjoyed the trip, Daniela seemed on the fence, but Jeremy was the enthusiastic motivator behind it. They made the smart decision to make it a two-day affair, and the weather cooperated (fortunately for all concerned!). As to whether or not one should make a berakha, and if so what specifically: well, people have thought about it.

Because our vision is less keen than it was 40 years ago, we decided we should get better lighting for our “salon”. So we made an IKEA run this week, and got some new lamps. Unfortunately, they don’t install themselves, so I did the honors. Now we’ve got quite bright lighting, and I’ve got sore shoulders. Win some, lose some.

In addition to that, in a sudden burst of manliness, I decided to finally patch up the walls and ceilings where the long since repaired leaks had damaged them. Now my shoulders hurt even more.

And speaking of painful shoulders: I went to my doctor this week because of my (long term) shoulder pain, and she referred me to physical therapy. I got an appointment for four months from now, the earliest they had. I guess I’m going to have to go private. Ouch!

A few things:

Given the hoo-haw surrounding this week’s eclipse, I was going to give a lengthy explanation of the (celestial) mechanics behind such events and the mathematical underpinnings. I was also going to port the calculations from my copy of Astronomical Algorithms to “8th”. However, events overtook me, so I’ll content myself for now with posting NASA’s solar eclipse almanac, where you can find out where and when and what type of eclipse is coming up (or has already been and gone).

The weather was pleasant and cool this week (below average, and drizzly). But it’s warming up for shabbat and we’re headed for a heat-wave mid-week. So it goes.

This shabbat we’re invited out for one meal. The rest include:
homemade ḥallah, traditional cholent, wheat salad, various salatim:, and ice cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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