
Blog/April 2024/Apr 26th

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April 26th Comments or questions? Click here!

The seder went off without a hitch. We had our usual guests as well as Sarah and Yarin. It was a pleasant meal, wine was consumed, texts were read, food was eaten… and nary a siren was sounded!

Afterwards, Esther and I cleaned up and rearranged the furniture back to “normal mode”. In the subsequent days, we did very little, as befits the “intermediary days” of the Passover Festival. One day I grilled some ribs, but that was pretty much the full extent of our physical exertions this week.

I saw no-one, and did no-thing. Esther did visit a friend, the social-butterfly!

Of various and sundry:

The rapidly deteriorating situation for Jews in the US has us extremely worried. Though I’ve been sounding the alarm for several decades, few seem to pay any mind. “It’s fine where we are”. “We just avoid those areas”. “Most people aren’t like that”. Well, my friends: look at what’s happening at your elite universities, and do some forecasting. It should be crystal clear to everyone that the “Golden Era” for Jews in the US is coming to a screeching halt. Please come home soon!

And yes, it’s still worse in other places in the world; as to why Jews remain in those places, only the good Lord knows.

The weather was very (!) hot this week, so our A/C got a good work-out. It’s cooling down slowly, and shabbat will be “warmer than normal” but not blisteringly hot. However, the temps will remain above-average through the end of April. Grrr!

We’ve got a guest staying with us this shabbat, and we’re also invited out for a meal. So we’ll prepare:
matsa (some homemade soft, some hard cracker stuff), matsa ball soup, lamb and fava stew, rice, meatballs and mashed-potatoes, roasted veggies, various salatim, brownies, and ice-cream.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and mo`adim lesimeḥa!

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