
Blog/May 2024/May 24th

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May 24th Comments or questions? Click here!

This week we worked a lot; Esther at accounting, I at programming. We were very busy, but nothing out of the ordinary. I put in quite a few hours; hopefully I’ll also get paid. I had a dental-crown ordered. Esther had a good doctor’s visit. There was a lot of genealogy as well — more on that, below.

One day we went to the shuq and got “sushi-grade” fish, because I had decided I wanted to try my hand at making sushi. So we did, and the results were “mixed”. On the one hand, it was overall quite a lot cheaper than what we’re used to paying for prepared sushi, even though the fish was quite expensvie. The sushi rice was much also much tastier, and the fish was indeed very nice.

All that said, it turns out that actually making a presentable sushi roll takes a lot of practice. Don’t get me wrong, the results were delicious! However, we’re not going to win any sushi-making competitions any time soon.

Around and around:

  • My friend’s hair-raising adventures in domestic tribulations.
  • The Israeli rap duo responsible for “Harbu-Darbu” had their US visas withheld, apparently because of that very song.
  • IE, NO, and ES can suck a truckload of donkeys. I guess the Europeans who supported the Third Reich were just keeping it on the down-low these past 80 years.
  • That “hostage deal” that Hamas agreed to? Turns out Egypt presented two different deals; one to Hamas, one to Israel. So much for trustworthy intermediaries. Of course, trusting Egypt was an idiot move to begin with.
  • And: if you ever needed a reason to get the hell away from Microsoft, this is it. I can only imagine the absolute glee with which prosecutors, hackers, and other nefarious characters will pursue access to “Recall”.

As mentioned above, there were also considerable genealogical efforts expended this week. Jeremy, once again, has unearthed a treasure-trove of information: this time, on my mother’s side. Vasilevskys and Bankovs, oh, my! The first (3rd cousins) were discovered just yesterday, so I haven’t looked at them. The latter (4th and beyond) were discovered earlier on in the week, adding some 80 or so people to the tree.

And here, when I was younger, I thought we had a tiny family…

The weather was hot this week, but it’s cooling for shabbat and resuming heat for next week. I’ll take a cool shabbat with pleasure.

This shabbat we’re invited out (again!) for one meal; for the rest:
homemade ḥalla, homemade ḥummus, chicken with greens, roasted vegetables, various salatim, and nut clusters.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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