
Blog/June 2024/Jun 7th

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June 7th Comments or questions? Click here!

Last week I mentioned the load of VCR tapes we wanted to digitize, and that I had made a test run. This week, I disassembled and repaired the VHS-C adapter which is absolutely necessary in order to actually play any of the many VHS-C tapes we have. I then digitized four videos, mostly painlessly. So hopefully in a month or so I’ll have digitized the lot. By the way, in order to re-assemble that adapter, which had spontaneously tossed bits around, I had to search YouTube for someone doing what I wanted. I found a Brazilian guy whose Portuguese was incomprehensible to me, but whose actions I could see clearly enough. Fun times.

I hadn’t mentioned it, but I also took my yearly blood-test last week (my arm is still black and blue), and got the results this week. Then both of us went to the ophthalmologist for a yearly eye-exam, which I followed by going to the nurses’ station and getting other things checked out. Then in the afternoon, I had a telephone consult with my doctor, who was “very pleased”. So I’ll have an extra helping this shabbat, thank you very much.

Around the bend:

In the meantime, our northern front heated up considerably this week. Our leaders keep making stern pronouncements about how “we know what to do”, and “Hezbollah will pay a heavy price”, and “We really really mean it! No kidding!”. I say, with all due respect, STFU and burn Lebanon to the ground. After you’ve actually done something, then maybe say a few words about it.

And by the way: Egypt has questions to answer over Rafah. Dozens of tunnels under the “border wall” between Rafah and Egypt. Our supposed “peace partner” which gets billions in aid from the US every year. Yeah.

I mentioned a while back that I am working on a new version of my zemanim program. It’s been a slow process because other things have intervened, and along the way I’ve encountered bugs and have made some design changes. So please have patience: I’m hoping to release this coming week or the one after.

The weather was very hot this week, something of which I disapprove most severely. However, it’s supposed to cool down to normal temps by Sunday. The upcoming holiday of shavuot should be pleasant.

Our menu this shabbat includes:
homemade ḥalla, roast beast, potatoes, various salatim, and watermelon.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom and ḥodesh ṭov!

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