
Blog/September 2024/Sep 13th

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Sep 13th Comments or questions? Click here!

Esther and I had a normal unexciting week full of work and little play. I didn’t even leave the house except to take out the garbage and go to physiotherapy!

I chose to avoid watching the “US presidential debate”, primarily because I can’t stand listening to either candidate, but also because I was fairly confident nothing particularly interesting would be said. I was right, of course. However, I did watch Mallen Baker’s “review” of it, because he’s not got a dog in the game, and usually brings up points which are interesting. I was right again (of course!).

According to Nate Silver’s Silver Bulletin site, the race is too close to call. Once again I would like to inform (((my people))) that we need to be prepared for a Harris administration. What that means in practice, is that we in IL need to accelerate our plans to become less dependent upon the US for weaponry and ammunition. Like, right now. And for those in the US, well, aliyah ASAP (though I feel like I’m yelling at the wall, alas).


It occurs to me that we’ve a few scant weeks before “the holidays” are upon us. I feel like I’m utterly unprepared, both spiritually and secularly. At the least, I should clean up the garden and update the sukkah area as we’d decided after last year. It’s not been a year conducive to productive action; hopefully the new (((Jewish))) year will be better than its predecessor.

The weather here was reasonably seasonal, though Thu was quite hot. We’re looking at a continuing mild cooling trend into next week.

We’re invited out for a meal this shabbat; for the rest, our menu includes:
homemade ḥalla, arayes, oven-fries, roasted vegetables, various salatim, and banana-bread.

Until next time,
shabbat shalom!

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