

From RonWareWiki

Revision as of 09:38, 19 October 2007 by Ron (talk | contribs)

I try to make it easy to contact me. Use whichever method is easiest for you:

  • email:
    (alternate in case the above fails for any reason): rambamist (at)
  • Skype ron.aaron
  • US telephone: +1 (425) 296-6173
  • Israeli celphone: 052-616-4229 (from the US dial: 011-972-52-616-4229)
  • FAX: +1 (866) 514-7683
  • postal mail: PO Box 114, Maale Adummim, ISRAEL 98100

NOTE: If you wish to send me confidential information, please use GnuPG with my public key.

You cannot email me any "executable" files; for example, no "exe" or "com" or "pif" files. If you must send me such files, put them in a "ZIP" file first. If you don't know how to do that, send me an email asking how and I will inform you.

Please avoid sending me HTML email, if possible.

Please do not send me documents in proprietary formats (Word, or Excel, for example). If you must send rich content, use OpenOffice instead.