
Blog/November 2007/November 23rd

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November 23rd (See this week's devar torah)
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Hello, again!

The rains started up this week in earnest - heavy rain, with hail in the north of the country and thunderstorms all around. This is a good thing; when you live in the Land of Israel you realize why our Sages established prayers for rain at certain points in the year. The rain in its proper time is a blessing - not only because people want a change in the weather, but because the crops need it. So we say prayers for rain, and give thanks when the rain appears.

As I was driving to work in the morning, the most incredibly beautiful rainbow appeared. That's what you get for living in a sunny place! I was so dazzled by its beauty I had trouble remembering the specific blessing for the occasion.

  • mommy time (girls sick)
  • maria
  • bar mitsvah
  • tday