
Blog/December 2007/Dec 7th

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December 7th (See this week's devar torah)
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Howdy! Time to sum up this week for the Aaron family, so here it goes:

Well, nothing really fascinating happened to us this week. Sorry to disappoint you. But there are as always, observations and oddities...

If you don't know, "CAIR" is a US-based Muslim political action group "the Council on American-Islamic Relations". Someone with my kind of sense of humor came up with the CAIR Bears. Order a dozen for the Zionist Occupational Government!

Fascinating information from the UNRWA showing which countries donated how much to alleviate the "plight" of the "Palestinian refugees". Egypt ponied up a whole $10,000. The oil-rich Arab Emirate of Oman came up with $25,000. Of course, the guilt-ridden Europeans came up with many millions of dollars, and the stupidity-ridden Americans gave $90 MILLION dollars. Talk about flushing your money down a toilet. News flash, America: they will still hate you (perhaps even more than before).

And speaking of Stupid Americans, here is an Open letter to Sec'y Rice from the publisher of Israel Insider. An excellent read. Another recommended read is Fred Casden's most recent blog entry.

Esther's father has been here for a week now, and he and she have been going around town and "doing the tourist thing". I'm pretty sure Victor enjoys the Jerusalem area much more than he did the Seattle area. Anyway, this week Sarah also got off school for Chanukkah, so the three of them went on a walking trip from Har Hazeitim to the Kotel via the Kidron Valley. Like almost every square meter here, it's full of history (and graves).

You know you're in Israel when:

  • You get stopped in the mall and a stranger asks you - not for the time, not for directions, but what the proper blessing is for immersion of dishes in a mikva
  • There are chanukiot (chanukkah lamps) as decorations, everywhere in the city
  • The stores have been selling "sufganiyot" (chanukkah doughnuts) for the past month and no one wants to look at them any more, let alone eat them
  • You go to buy some fresh fish from the fishmonger, and the Muslim Arab working behind the counter says, "shabbat shalom"
  • There are no Christmas songs playing, anywhere! B"H!

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