
Blog/July 2008/Jul 11th

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July 11th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

I told you last week that Sarah went to the US on a trip to visit her friends. She has been looking forward to her trip for months. The day after she got there, she got sick and had a fever; so she was out of action for a few days. But now she's on the mend, and looking forward to getting together with her friends.

Daniela is looking for a summer job; so if you know someone in the Maaleh Adummim or Jerusalem area who needs a babysitter, or tutoring, please let us know.

Esther went to welcome the first Nefesh B'Nefesh flight of the year. She had to leave M"A at 5 in the morning, but enjoyed welcoming the new olim home. We're looking forward to having shabbat guests and helping the newcomers.

I've been working very long days this week, trying to get things in order. We've had a chaotic week, but hopefully next week will be a bit easier.

The house is coming along. This week we had an inspection from the electric company, which we failed. Or rather, the house failed. Our electrician had not checked the house's grounding, which was one of the first things the electric company checked. So we are having a re-inspection this Sunday -- hopefully, we'll pass this time. We also had an excellent air-conditioning technician come and fix two units which were not working - if you need an air-conditioning guy, let me know.

The previous week I had tried to hang a wall-hanging on the wall. In case you don't know, walls here are concrete or brick -- so you need masonry bits to drill holes in the walls. The masonry bits I had bought from our local hardware store months ago, might as well have been made of butter for all the good they did. So this week we did some shopping at the hardware-store, and got among other things, a good set of masonry bits. The difference is amazing - they actually drill holes in the walls! Now we have a place to hang towels in our bathroom.

I've got to get ready for shabbat, so until next week...

Shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Jul 4th