
Blog/March 2009/Mar 13th

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March 13th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!

Help feed the hungry in Israel!

This week saw the Fast of Esther, Purim and Shushan Purim. Here's a recent recap of the story in modern terms, in case you don't know it. For next Purim you can dress up in new French fashion -- if you have the stomach.

Speaking of "if you have the stomach", who came up with chili flavored Klik? In the event you aren't familiar with it, "Klik" is a very popular Israeli candy-bar. The Great Brains in charge of product development must have been desperate for change (or very drunk), when they came up with the idea of putting hot-pepper flavoring in a chocolate bar. Sorry the link above is in Hebrew, but here's a quote: Chili flavor. Picante. The mix of chocolate and picante doesn't really go together. Why picante? I've heard of sweet, I grew up on bitter, but picante??? Why not salty? Sour? Rotten? Sweet and sour? Barbecue / grill flavor? ... but you should know, this is really nauseating. Yes, it is pretty bad. Save yourselves four shekels and don't give in to the search for "something new"!

And speaking of "shekels", I just have to vent a minute: there are a lot of Americans who call the national currency of Israel sheks, as in "that cost me three sheks". WRONG! The word is shekel, not shek. Would you say in America, "that soda cost me three dolls"?!? Hell no, leave our currency alone! Heaven knows our government has barely any dignity left as it is, we don't need your help.

In good news: I got the job I mentioned last week! Just found out this morning, in fact; the official offer will be tendered on Sunday (I don't know yet what the exact terms are, but I'll let you know if they were weird). Besides that, a person I did work for a number of years back asked me to do some more work, so I'm doing that as well. {[hebs|ברוך ה'}}!

Useful idiot and anti-Semitism roundup:


Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!

Top: Blog Prev: Mar 6th