Blog/November 2009/Nov 13th
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Nov 13th (See this week's devar torah)
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Hi again!
Lots and lots this week; sorry if it's a long blog this time, you don't have to read it all...
First an update about last shabbat. We told you last week that we were going to have four girls as guests, two of whom were Chabad. In fact, it turned out that one of the "non-Chabad" girls' father was in fact Chabad. The fourth girl was from a chassidic family (Kloisenburg, not Chabad). They were all lovely, and the shabbat was very interesting and pleasant.
Sarah went on her yearly school trip this week, to Eilat. We expected to have a quiet three days, just the two of us... and boy we we wrong! The first day was fine. But on the second day, we get a call from Sarah saying that during one of their hikes, she fell down a ladder. As she was sitting, stunned, on the ground -- a rock fell on her head! The medic who was with them bandaged her head, but my poor daughter left blood on the rocks of Eilat. As you (may or may not) know, head wounds bleed profusely even if the wound is not large.
Time to wake up, America!
Geek news:
- Linux-powered motorcycle. No, really.
- No wonder Haredim are under-represented in the workplace...
- who's crazy?
- allah-hu-akbar
- gee, whiz, what was maj. hassan's motivation?
- Bush before Obama...
- Wafa Sultan
Until next week,
Shabbat shalom!
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